Wendy Williams Shades Her Husband’s Mistress With Ayesha Curry’s Help

Wendy Williams throws some heavy shade at Kevin Hunter and his mistress.

Since the beginning this year, Wendy Williams has been involved in some bigtime family drama. In December 2018, it was reported that her husband had gotten another woman pregnant, refusing to leave his marriage because Wendy funds his lifestyle. He put up a fight until recently but Wendy took action into her own hands, filing for divorce and shading her soon-to-be-ex-husband all around town. During a recent taping her talk show, the entertainer got into her Hot Topics segment and when she started to talk about the backlash Ayesha Curry has gotten for her recent comments on Red Table Talk, she decided to get a little petty with her ex-husband and his mistress.

Wendy Williams Shades Her Husband's Mistress With Ayesha Curry's Help
Johnny Nunez/Wire/Getty s

Wendy spoke about Ayesha’s comments about how men don’t seem to be interested in her anymore and when she started up on the topic, she tried to put herself in Ayesha’s shoes. “There are a lot women who don’t have respect for a marriage,” said Wendy before sheepishly looking into the camera. “You know what I’m saying? A lot women who know your man is married will have the nerve to be right up under him right under your nose.”

In case the shade wasn’t clear enough, she was also twirling her hair to emphasize the pettiness the situation, surely knowing that her audience would catch her drift. The message has been received loud and clear, Wendy. Check out the video below at the 13:30 mark.