Jeffrey Epstein’s Reps Not Ruling Out "Cover-Up Murder" Plot

Epstein’s team is wrastling with the medical examiner for loose ends.

Jeffrey Epstein’s reps are reportedly unsatisfied with the investigation into his death, ruled a suicide by strangulation. The sticking point appears to be a series fractures on Epstein’s neck, illustrating a struggle some sorts took place prior to him losing consciousness – which is inherently why they’ve been entertaining this notion that a sheet was placed on his neck to give f the illusion death by hanging.

Jeffrey Epstein's Reps Not Ruling Out "Cover-Up Murder" Plot

Stephanie Keith/Getty s

Epstein’s reps have grown frustrated with the lack cooperation at the Manhattan Metropolitan Correctional Center, and the medical examiner’s unwillingness to fork over pertinent information or material evidence. Evidently, Epstein’s people are missing the resources they would need to conduct their own investigation.

Besides the 3 stress fractures, Epstein’s reps are suspicious  2 fractures on either side his thyroid, and another sign struggle close to his Adam’s apple.

In their opinion, these fractures are consistent with the kind pressure one would apply in a stranglehold. Not to mention, they find incredulous to believe Epstein could have hung himself with the presence two guards looming over his shoulder. To be quite frank, they aren’t alone in their beliefs. As hard as it is to make an acute assessment his death, one thing’s for certain: Epstein and foul play go hand-in-hand.