Florida Woman Lies About Medical Condition On Flight & Gets Arrested In Process

Hindsight is 20/20.

Normally when a story begins with “Florida woman” you know that it’s going to take some sort unexpected turn. Well, this story is no different. A “Florida woman” was arrested on an American Airlines flight this week for straight up lying about a medical condition so that she could get a larger seat on the plane. The woman, whose name is currently unknown, pretended to have difficulty breathing, and so the pilot decided to declare an emergency and returned the flight to Pensacola.  

Florida Woman Lies About Medical Condition On Flight & Gets Arrested In Process
Bruce Bennett/Getty s

American Airlines told NBC, “American Eagle 3508 returned to Pensacola due to a passenger who requested medical assistance. The flight took f at 5:43 a.m. and landed back at Pensacola at 6:26 a.m. and taxied to the gate. All passengers] deplaned normally at the gate through the main boarding door and onto the jet bridge. The passenger was subsequently removed by law enforcement and medical personnel, and the flight took f again at 7:41 a.m.”

Apparently the woman at first refused to get f the plane when authorities arrived, and the entire plane was evacuated. Eventually, she agreed to leave and was held in protective custody out concern as to whether or not she was a danger to herself or others.

Looking back on it, this might not have been the best idea.