Video Shows Physical Confrontation Between Van Lathan & Michael Babcock Before Firing

Video pro has arrived.

Just the other day reports came in that Van Lathan was fired from TMZ after he got quite physical with his co-worker Michael Babcock. At the time details were sparse, but it was clear that Van put his hands on Michael’s neck leading to an f-camera issue that grabbed the attention the TMZ fice. Apparently things got heated over politics and Van told Michael f-camera that he’d be in trouble if he “ever embarrassed Lathan] again.”

Video Shows Physical Confrontation Between Van Lathan & Michael Babcock Before Firing
Robin L Marshall/Getty s 

“Van’s not mean-spirited. Anything that happened is a product that environment,” a source said the incident. Now video pro the whole event has appeared on Twitter from a user who calls themselves a “TMZ superfan.” As you can see in the clip below, Van does approach Michael and whisper something in his ear before putting his hand around his neck. Michael tells him to get f but Van continues before walking away leading Michael to get up and deal with things f-camera. 

Sources did state that Van would not have been fired if he did not get physical. After the ordeal, Van tweeted: “I’m okay. Promise you guys. Seriously.”