Trump Angers LGBTQIA+ Community By Repealing Healthcare Protections For Trans People

Trump has found himself in hot water with the LGBTQIA+ community after it was announced that he rolled back policy enacted under the Obama administration.

The President has executed quite an order today that has angered many American citizens. The month June is Pride Month and many in the LGBTQIA+ community are not only protesting alongside Black Lives Matter advocates, but they’re celebrating Pride, as well. Today (June 12) is especially sensitive to the LGBTQIA+ community as it marks the fourth anniversary since Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was terrorized by Omar Mateen. The 29-year-old stormed the nightclub and killed 49 people while injuring 53 others. As the LGBTQIA+ advocates remembers those who lost their lives, President Trump revealed that he’s “rolled back an Obama-era policy that protected LGBTQ patients from discrimination,” according to Politico.

Trump Angers LGBTQIA+ Community By Repealing Healthcare Protections For Trans People
Spencer Platt / Staff/ Getty s

During his administration, Obama unveiled a policy that stated health care providers couldn’t discriminate against women who inquired about abortions, transgender patients, or any patient that the medical pressional doesn’t want to treat because they don’t align against the provider’s personal or religious beliefs. It was reportedly a way protecting people in an anti-discrimination clause, but Trump has nixed it. There has been public outrage at the timing this announcement, while some have stated it’s purely coincidental.

“These actions demonstrate how little this Administration values the life, health and safety LGBTQ people,” said Sharita Gruberg the Center for American Progress. “It’s even more a disgrace to do so on the anniversary the deadliest attack on the LGBTQ community in US history.” Check out a few responses about the political move below.
