Tom Brady Bashed For Jumping Off Cliff With 6-Year Old Daughter: Watch

Brady haters are up in arms over one his recent IG videos.

New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady is on the receiving end some backlash today after he posted a cliff-jumping video on instagram over the weekend, in which his six-year old daughter, Vin, takes an awkward fall into the water.

Brady captioned the post, “If Vivi is going to be an Olympic champion one day, it probably won’t be in synchronized diving. Daddy always gives her a 10 though!”

Over 13,000 people have commented on the video, including Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson who wrote, “You KNOW I have complete faith in you as a man, friend, player and father – but this just gave me anxiety. Geeezus.” Pressional surfer Kelly Slater commented “That shoulder ok?” along with a nervous emoji.

Some other comments on the post include the following:

“When she hesitated, he could dislocated her shoulder! He snatched her into the water!”

“Respect you highly but I think a little risky, too many things could have gone wrong.”

“Not your best play calling here”


Of course, Patriots fans came to Brady’s defense amid the backlash. One commenter wrote, “Give me a break people he was making sure she didn’t hit the rocks below…good move Daddy I would have done the exact same thing.” Another Brady supporter added, “I only wish my dad was around to do fun stuff like this with me. Simmer down haters… TB12 is a great dad.”