Teen Sexting Links To Risky Behaviour & Poor Mental Health According To Study

Teen sexting has dire implications according to this study.

A new study emerged with considerable findings. According to Mashable, a new major study unearthed some worrisome associations between texting and mental health. Mostly, we include a higher likelihood engaging in risky sexual behavior, having multiple sexual partners, experiencing anxiety and/or depression, drinking alcohol, taking drugs and smoking. The studies also established a relationship with a lower likelihood to use contraception with the numbers growing stronger with younger adolescents. Though there is no need to feel entirely alarmed, scientists who conducted the study emphasize that the research is correlational and not causational. Texting might just be one the several risky things teens are more likely to engage in which would explain why such behavior shows up along with the mental health issues, increased sexual activity, and substance use. 

Teen Sexting Links To Risky Behaviour & Poor Mental Health According To Study

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“While we did draw associations between sexting and risk factors … context is important,” confirmed Camille Mori, a graduate student at the University Calgary’s Psychology department. Consent seems to play a key factor in whether or not the effects are negative. “One in eight youth send or forward sexts without permission, which can devastate the subject or recipient such messages. Additionally, when the relationship is more casual between teens, and there’s arguably less trust and greater emotional risk, sexting may lead to disappointment or anguish.” Hence, the context here is key.