"Surviving R. Kelly" Takes Home Best Documentary At 2019 MTV Awards

“Surviving R. Kelly” made a significant impact.

It has been roughly six months since the premiere the controversial documentary, Surviving R. Kelly. The multiple allegations sexual abuse and more surrounding the shamed actor have finally culminated to an explosive two-part series that shocked viewers and sparked outrage across social media platforms. Ever since the documentary’s release, the justice encouraged by the #MeToo movement was served to R. Kelly in the shape several lawsuits and legal issues meant to investigate the claims made. While the documentary both successfully and powerfully managed to hold R. Kelly accountable for his alleged actions, it also shed light on the remnants sexual abuse on its victims. Moreover, due to its success and ability to reach viewers on a deeper level, a series follow up was announced and aired last month on May 4th. 

Most recently, the widely talked-about docuseries snagged a nomination at the MTV Awards 2019 ceremony for Best Documentary. And now, it appears the series has won, beating out At The Heart Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandals–another documentary shedding light on the sexual assault and molestation claims tied to Dr. Larry Nassar over the years–McQueen, Minding the Gap & RBG. A big congratulations to all involved in the Surviving R. Kelly documentary.