Star Wars Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage: "Princess Leia, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka Tano, Rey & More Keep The Adventures Going" –

Do you need to dig into your Star Wars love? Still need that fix after seeing Star Wars: The Last Jedi? Want to expand your book stash?

Today, check out the top five reasons you need to get your hands on Star Wars Forces Destiny: Tales Hope & Courage right now! Make sure to read each reason and enter to win your own copy!]

Reason 1: The Journey Continues

Star Wars Forces  Destiny: Tales  Hope & Courage: "Princess Leia, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka Tano, Rey & More Keep The Adventures Going" –

The first reason you should buy Star Wars Forces Destiny: Tales Hope & Courage is because this is a true Star Wars fanatics’ must-own. Forget the age limit (aimed at 6 to 8 year-olds) – if you’re really about the never-ending galaxy tales which continue to dominate the big screen annually, this is a must-own to add to your collection. The popular Disney Channel cartoon makes its way into text form and gives every die-hard supporter a reason to get hyped up about the next Star Wars release. The Disney Channel’s eight-episode shorts have generated a pretty strong following and this book keeps the journey going.

Reason 2: 40th Anniversary

Star Wars Forces  Destiny: Tales  Hope & Courage: "Princess Leia, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka Tano, Rey & More Keep The Adventures Going" –

The second reason you should buy Star Wars Forces Destiny: Tales Hope & Courage is because the 40-year anniversary Star Wars. With The Last Jedi coming out in December, it’s clear the franchise and brand is here for generations to come. Rather than focus on the past, Star Wars Forces Destiny: Tales Hope & Courage keeps things moving forward with everyone’s fan favorites from Jyn Erso and Rey to Maz. With 40 years to the Star Wars name, it’s only right to continue celebrating its legacy and what is to come with this book.

Reason 3: Extremely Detailed

Star Wars Forces  Destiny: Tales  Hope & Courage: "Princess Leia, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka Tano, Rey & More Keep The Adventures Going" –

The third reason this is a must-own is because the illustrations. Sure – this is a book with adventures on every page but it’s the drawings and vivid which blow you away. Illustrator Adam Devaney puts together some breathtaking drawings which help bring to life what you’re reading. Along with the drawings, the font sizes and styles lure you in as well – easily making a five minute read turn into a full-fledged 20 minutes. Each page sucks you right in and takes you f your feet with details, imagination and plenty characters to keep up with.

Reason 4: Female Power

Star Wars Forces  Destiny: Tales  Hope & Courage: "Princess Leia, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka Tano, Rey & More Keep The Adventures Going" –

The fourth reason Star Wars Forces Destiny: Tales Hope & Courage is worth owning is because the characters. Quite noticeably this is a female-powered line-up. Princess Leia, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka Tano, Rey and more keep the adventures going in this story. The journeys are non-stop and what’s most evident is the positive messages behind having women steer the way. Much like The Last Jedi, women empowerment is evident here and well-appreciated.

Reason 5: The Journal

Star Wars Forces  Destiny: Tales  Hope & Courage: "Princess Leia, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka Tano, Rey & More Keep The Adventures Going" –

The fifth reason you should buy the new book is because its presentation. The story is told through the hands Maz Kanata a.k.a. Lupita Nyong’o’s character. Rebel leader Princess Leia, rogue fighter Jyn Erso, Jedi apprentice Ahsoka Tano, heroic Rey, warrior artist Sabine Wren, and Senator Padme Amidala are your heros in this book. In Maz Kanata’s journal, she describes how each these heroes found their hope, their courage, and their destinies. With fun musings and tangents from Maz, beautiful sketches, and 8 large gatefolds, this journal shares six the exciting adventures that helped shape these heroes from the epic Star Wars saga.