Someone Used A Fake ID With Thor To Buy Weed In Canada

Homeboy can hold a fat L for that one and not the type you smoke.

The stigma surrounding the use cannabis has died down quite a bit in the past few years. With more places across North America moving forward with the legalization the plant, the cannabis industry has grown exponentially, providing many American and Canadian citizens with employment. But if you do work at a dispensary, chances are you’re going to see some weird shit. In Canada, it’s pretty easy to buy cannabis online through the government but you must provide photo ID. One individual tried to purchase cannabis with a fake ID but the problem was that it was the ID a Marvel character.

Someone Used A Fake ID With Thor To Buy Weed In Canada
 Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty s

Canadian-based comedian and editor at Funny Or Die took to Twitter to reveal that someone tried to buy weed with a Fake Thor ID. Now, she explained that her sister works at an online dispensary where she goes through applications which include checking IDs. That’s when one person tried to finesse their way into the system with a fake ID from Alberta that showed Thor’s identity. The name is listed as “ODINSON, Thor Thunder” who lives at “69 Big Hammer Ln.” And to top it all f, the person used a picture Chris Hemsworth as Thor. 

Needless to say, whoever tried to use that Thor ID to get themselves some weed is most likely dry right now.