Snoop Dogg Goes Back In Time With "Puppy" Era Pics

Back when the uncle was a wide-eyed nephew,

Might Quavo‘s mother have started a wave? Following Quavo’s hilariously embarrassing baby picture,Snoop Dogg decided to set his own course and pull a few relics from the stash. Dubbing the photo-series as “Puppy Dogg,” Uncle Snoop shared six pictures drawing back to when he was but a mere “nephew.” Perhaps it was his recent birthday that prompted the spur nostalgia. Perhaps it was simple desire to share with his fans and followers, many whom reached out to usher in his forty-eighth year.

Snoop Dogg Goes Back In Time With "Puppy" Era Pics

Kevin Winter/Getty s

There’s not much to say about the images, except that they remind us all that even a legend like Snoop experienced his own journey. Not only from the Chuuch to the Palace, but from the high-school football field to the family function. Not to mention, each image serves as a harsh reminder that rustic film-photography is becoming a thing the past. One day every throwback baby picture will arrive with high definition resolution, touched by mild photo-editing and an abundance filters. 

Happy belated birthday to Uncle Snoop, and shout out to the young pup. Check out the pics below.