Robert Freeman’s New Design From "The Boondocks" Revealed

A redesign Robert Freeman has been revealed on Instagram.

As was ficially announced last week, The Boondocks is back with original showrunner Aaron McGruder. It’s return also means new redesigns for fans favorite characters; an updated Huey was the last character to be shown. Today, a new redesign Robert Freeman has arrived @boondocksbootleg on Instagram.

This time around, Grandad can be seen wearing a white tee shirt and beige pants. He also dons an army helmet, is equipped with a fanny-pack and wields a belt/golf club combo. This look is far more over the top than his previous green sweater and blue jeans. Whether the show will live up to the hype or not remains to be seen. The original run featured its fair share celebrity appearances from Usher to R Kelly. Fans on Twitter are already theorizing who might make an appearance.

Denzel Curry even put his own name in the ring. Perhaps we’ll get a chance to see what some these rappers could look like in The Boondocks universe. We will have to wait and see.