R. Kelly Begs Judge To Release Him From Solitary Confinement: Report

R. Kelly wants out.

R. Kelly is locked up right now with no signs him being released any time soon. The singer’s been locked up in solitary confinement out fear that he’ll be harmed in Gen. Pop. The singer admitted he was happy about being separated from the other inmates out fear that some them might retaliate against him. That was in July and a lot has changed since including his stance on being in solitary.

R. Kelly Begs Judge To Release Him From Solitary Confinement: Report
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It looks like R. Kelly’s lost all fear being placed in gen. pop. According to TMZ, the singer is begging the judge to release him from solitary confinement and allow him to join the rest the inmates in general population in jail. Now, given that he’s an accused preying on young girls and a celebrity at that, general population makes him an immediate target. However, he’s reportedly willing to take the chance because solitary is taking a toll on his mental and physical health.

Steven Greenberg, Kells lawyer, listed f a bunch reasons why Kells should be released from solitary — the main one being that solitary is meant to punish inmates. Greenberg argued that Kelly is locked up without human interaction, access to sunlight and media, recreational activities or even private one-on-one visitations that aren’t under surveillance. 

Some what Greenberg brought up seems a bit inhumane as well, even for an accused pedophile. Aside from only getting one 15-min. phone call a month, he’s apparently only allowed to shower three days a week. 

Greenberg said that Kelly’s being treated like this because he’s a celebrity, even though he’s obeyed the rules and hasn’t been convicted any the crimes he’s been charged with.