Porsha Williams’s Fiancée Cheated Because He Lost Attraction During Pregnancy

He also admitted that her postpartum depression was a difficult time, as well.

They’re back on the road toward marital bliss, but for a moment there, Real Housewives Atlanta stars Porsha Williams and Dennis McKinney’s relationship was on the rocks. The pair have been working on their union ever since they decided to give their relationship another shot. Dennis cheated on Porsha while she was pregnant, causing a major rift between the two, and on Sunday’s episode, he revealed why he was tempted to be with someone else.

The 43-year-old business owner said that he found himself losing attraction toward Porsha while she was pregnant and following the birth their daughter, PJ. According to Dennis, Porsha battled postpartum depression and he was no longer sexually aroused by her. “We had a rough pregnancy, all the way from start to finish,” he said. “Sex during pregnancy, it’s nothing what a man wants to do…and after PJ got here, postpartum was very real. We cried together like every night. That’s not a good enough why, but that’s the why.”

Dennis admitted that his cheating was “a selfish decision” and something he regrets. “I made a mistake, I cheated,” he stated. “I’ve done my best to let Porsha know that I love her and I’m remorseful and apologetic. The priority for me is the baby.” Meanwhile, Porsha doesn’t see Dennis’s decision to sleep with someone else as a “mistake.”

“A mistake, to me, is taking the wrong exit,” Porsha said. “You don’t make a mistake and set up with someone and cheat. That’s not where he need to be in order for me to heal and move forward. He needs to be in a place in my eyes where he’s taking full accountability for his actions, period. No matter how it looks and feels. It insults me when he says mistake.”

Dennis stressed that he wants to be with Porsha and will do what he must to regain her trust. Watch below.