Odell Beckham Jr. Opens Up About Dream Of Playing For The Patriots

Join the club, pal.

When it comes to the gold standard success in the NFL, the New England Patriots would have to be at the top that list. Over the last 20 years, they have won six championships while Tom Brady and Bill Belichick have made for the best player/coach duo in sports history. When you consider how dominant they are, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that athletes within the sport are lining up to try and play for them.

Odell Beckham Jr. is currently on the Cleveland Browns but thanks to comments made  Mary Kay Cabot cleveland.com, it seems like OBJ would do anything for a chance to play for the blue, white, and red.

Odell Beckham Jr. Opens Up About Dream Of Playing For The Patriots

Ezra Shaw/Getty s

“Two, three years ago there was a whole speculation and all that was going on and I was willing and ready to go over there at any point in time,’’ Beckham said. “That was always a dream mine to play for Tom Brady — Tom Brady and Bill] Belichick.’’

These comments are made even more interesting thanks to the fact that the Browns play the Patriots on Sunday. While Odell’s commitments are to the Browns, he certainly seems to have a ton admiration for his new opponent.