Netflix To Introduce Weekly Release Schedule Back Into The Fold

The times, they are a-changin’….back to how they used to be.

The dying embers your last Netflix and Chill session may have gained a little more shelf life. Though many have grown accustomed to the Netflix binge, bodying new seasons  Mindhunter and Stranger Things in mere days, it would appear that others are growing tired the all-at-once formula. In the wake this new and exciting era television, the ways  the golden era appear risk being lost entirely. Especially in a generation that has all but come to expect instant gratification. And yet, like the vinyl’s comeback has proven, the old ways are not without their charm.

Case in point, Netflix has decided to explore a weekly release schedule for some its content. Series like T.I, Cardi B, and Chance The Rapper’s Rhythm & Flow and The Great British Baking Show (Collection 7) are set to be the first Guinea pigs. Yet the former will still retain some elements binge-ability, with multiple batches  episodes arriving on a weekly basis, beginning with the auditions on October 9th. Therefore, it’s a commitment to the formula switch, but not a full commitment. 

Curiously enough, the model follows that soon-to-be competitor Disney+, which will be releasing anticipated shows like Loki and The Mandalorian in a traditional weekly format. Could the demand soon shift entirely back to the once-normal status quo? Or will the allure the binge ultimately reign supreme?  
