Netflix Debuts Spike Lee’s Sci-Fi Adventure Trailer For "See You Yesterday"

Netflix is here with another one.

Anything with Spike Lee’s name attached to it is bound to build anticipation so Netflix’s latest trailer for See You Yesterday produced by Spike and directed by Stefon Bristol has us ready. The movie follows a young girl named C.J. and her best friend Sebastian who are working on a time machine. When C.J.’s brother gets shot by a police run-in their project gets serious as they try to turn back time on the awful events that conspired. 

See You Yesterday is] a sci-fi adventure grounded in familial love, cultural divides and the universal urge to change the wrongs the past,” the ficial description reads. 

“Escapism is great, but too much escapism only leaves our people stagnant. There’s no more growth. What I hope to do is figure out how to take a strong message and somehow make it digestible for everybody, not just for a black audience but everybody,” Stefon told Entertainment Weekly. “This is still a conflict that’s happening. Right now, understandably so, the lens police brutality is going down a little bit in the media because we have so many other problems that we have to deal with. I still have something to say about it. It’s still here.” 

Peep the ficial trialer below and catch it on Netflix as  May 17th.