Mike Tyson Claims He’d Beat Floyd Mayweather’s "Ass" In A Street Fight: Watch

Does Floyd want smoke with Iron Mike?

Mike Tyson is one the most legendary boxers to ever step in the ring and built a reputation for himself as having an iron fist. When Tyson was in his prime, he was the last person you wanted to fight as there was a pretty food chance he would absolutely annihilate you without mercy. These days, Tyson seems to have calmed down quite significantly and can be found hosting a podcast and growing a whole lot weed.

Recently, Tyson appeared on the GQ Sports YouTube channel where he answered some the internet’s pressing questions. One the most interesting inquiries he received was centered around the idea who would win a street fight between him in his prime, and Floyd Mayweather. As you can imagine, Tyson was confident in himself but made sure to send some praise Floyd’s way.

“I think I would really kick Floyd’s ass in a street fight,” Tyson said. “It wouldn’t even be no match. But probably if I was his size in the ring, he would outpoint me. He has a really good technique for his style, he’s really great at what he does.” 

We’re not sure Floyd would demonstrate the same humility if asked the same question but good on Mike for being so diplomatic.