Master P Bringing Rap Snacks To Over 4,200 Walmart Locations

Master P continues to expand the empire.

Master P is expanding the empire and is taking Rap Snacks with him. In just a few years, the music mogul has taken Rap Snacks from a viral sensation to a bonafide convenience store staple and now, he’s bringing the potato chip brand to even more shelves announcing a distribution deal with Wal-Mart that will find Rap Snacks in over 4,200 stores nationwide.

Master P Bringing Rap Snacks To Over 4,200 Walmart Locations

Robin Marchant/Getty s

It was while appearing on The Beat With Ari on MSNBC that Master P announced the new venture while also touching on the subject such as diversity in the C-Suite and the recent treatment that Meghan Markle has faced at the hands British publications as late.

He would make note the fact that his pivot from No Limit soldier to a diversified mogul is still one met with pushback after all this time, highlighting the importance to appropriately brand and position oneself when looking to be taken seriously in business. 

“I had a situation the other day where I met with a guy and he was like, ‘I expected you to be a whole different person” ’cause I was prejudged by music — not the business that I’m creating to build an empire and to build a generation wealth for your family,” Master P revealed. “You have to make changes.”