LeBron James, Barack Obama & More Speak For "Graduate Together"

LeBron James, Barack Obama, Alex Rodriguez and more, all appeared on tonight’s “Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class 2020.”

LeBron James, Barack Obama, and more came together for Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class 2020, Saturday night, honoring graduating seniors across the country.

LeBron James, Barack Obama & More Speak For "Graduate Together"Bill Pugliano / Getty s

“You should’ve had a real graduation, I know. You should’ve had an incredible senior year, I know that as well. But you made a sacrifice, and you did it to keep your community safe and healthy,” James told graduates. “On behalf all us, thank you!”

Obama also joined in, preparing students for the real world. Here is an expert from his speech:

Now, graduating is a big achievement under any circumstances. Some you have had to overcome serious obstacles along the way. Whether it was an illness, or a parent losing a job, or living in a neighborhood where people too ten count you out. Along with the usual challenges growing up, all you have had to deal with the added pressures social media, reports school shootings, and the specter climate change. And then, just as you’re about to celebrate having made it through, just as you’ve been looking forward to proms and senior nights, graduation ceremonies, and — let’s face it — a whole bunch parties, the world has turned upside down by a global pandemic. And as much as I’m sure you love your parents, I’ll bet that being stuck at home with them and playing board games or watching Tiger King on TV is not exactly how you envisioned the last few months your senior year.

Second, do what you think is right. Doing what feels good — what’s convenient, what’s easy — that’s how little kids think. Unfortunately a lot so-called grownups — including some with fancy titles and important jobs — still think that way, which is why things are so screwed up. I hope that instead, you decide to ground yourself in values that last. Like honesty, hard work, responsibility, fairness, generosity, respect for others. You won’t get it right every time, you’ll make mistakes like we all do. But if you listen to the truth that’s inside yourself — even when it’s hard, even when it’s inconvenient — people will notice. They’ll gravitate towards you, and you’ll be part the solution instead part the problem.

Other speakers included Gal Gadot, Alex Rodriguez and more. Check out more highlights from the night here.
