Kodak Black Offers Motivation To All The Heartbroken Fellas In Jail

Heart Break Kodak strikes again.

Kodak Black may be sitting behind bars, but that hasn’t stopped him from participating in an exploration self. Not long after issuing a guilty plea in a federal gun case, Kodak took to Instagram to muse on his current predicament. “4 Months Ago I Was Jus Facetiming Da Baddest Females On Planet Earth , Na Im Makin Jail Calls Waitin On Mail Call,” he wrote, perhaps indicating that he was on the verge  some personal growth. Now, with his sentencing looming on November 13th, Kodak has taken a moment to fer some motivation to his fellow heartbroken jailbirds. 

Kodak Black Offers Motivation To All The Heartbroken Fellas In Jail

 Nicholas Hunt/Getty s 

Perhaps retaining his internet privileges as a result good behavior, Kodak fired f a Tweet that may very well reveal his current headspace. “Yo Girl Got A New N***a But She Gone Leave Em When You Released lol,” he writes, perhaps implying that Heart Break Kodak is indeed on the verge a comeback. It’s unclear what prompted this one to surface, but it’s clear that Kodak isn’t about to let his soul mate get away. Might this be the source his infamous “I hope so?” 

One thing is for certain. Kodak may be feeling the blues, but that’s not about to keep him from holding it down on “Motivation Monday.” Not even a broken heart.