Kim Kardashian Wins $2.7M Judgment In Dress Knockoff Lawsuit

Kim Kardashian’s $2.7 million dollars richer.

Kim Kardashian is pulling in legal victory left, right and center. The reality star and mother four previously announced her plans to study law and even before she’s set to take the bar exam she’s helped 17 inmates get released from prison in 90 days. Her court wins sometimes benefit her as her recent case with Missguided USA, an online women’s clothing store, gave Kim $2.7 million. 

Kim Kardashian Wins $2.7M Judgment In Dress Knockf Lawsuit
Michael Loccisano/Wire /Getty s

According to TMZ, Kim won the case by forfeit since the clothing company never responded to the lawsuit, awarding Kim the judgment as well as $60K in attorney fees. Kim sued Misguided back in February after the company was stealing her dress designs and using her face to sell the products, leading many to believe Kim was in partnership with them. 

The company even went as far as to tag Kim on Instagram in dresses she had worn a couple days before, that they recreated for resale. “Missguided has repeatedly used Kardashian’s name and likeness without permission on its social media platforms to promote the sale its clothing,” the judge said in the ruling. 

The judge has also blocked Misguided from using Kim’s face and trademark so they can no longer prit f her fashion moves.