Kanye West Reveals "Jesus Is King" Album Cover At New York Event

Still no album, though.

So, the weekend passed without the release Kanye West’s ninth studio album, Jesus Is King. The album was supposed to release on Friday and when it didn’t, Kim Kardashian shared that it would pushed back to Sunday due to final mixing tweaks. While the album (unsurprisingly) didn’t drop on Sunday either, Kanye spent the weekend previewing the project in different states. 

Ye started f the weekend with an event in Detroit, titled Jesus Is King: A Kanye West ExperienceThis is also the title the IMAX film that will be premiering on October 25th in IMAX Theaters, which documents his Sunday Service choir performing at James Turrell’s Roden Carter art installation in Arizona’s Painted Desert. Kanye fered a peak this experience in Chicago on Saturday, where he also joined Chance the Rapper on stage at The Big Day tour opener

Jesus Is King: A Kanye West Experience was finally brought to New York on Sunday night, after hosting Sunday Service in Queens. Attendees Manhattan’s United Palace didn’t only get a glimpse the film, but also the Jesus Is King album. Videos an enraptured crowd hearing the album’s Clipse-assisted track, “Use This Gospel”, have begun circling around the Twitterverse. The song also features a saxophone section by none other than Kenny G. Aside from music previews, Kanye also unveiled the album’s cover by projecting it on a giant screen. As one Twitter user astutely stated, “If I could describe this album cover it would be Biblical Art piece meets Microst Paint.”