Kanye West Files With FEC To Run For President In 2020: Report

Kanye West is moving forward as he has filed papers with the FEC to ficially run for President this year.

This feels like a wild rollercoaster ride with the sheer number ups and downs that have occurred in the last couple weeks. With all sorts conflicting reports about whether Kanye West is still running for President, the rapper just unlocked the biggest clue that he still intends on assuming the Presidential fice.

Steve Kramer, who was hired by West to facilitate the process adding him to the ballot in Florida and South Carolina, noted that the artist is “out,” suggesting that he’s no longer running. However, West’s latest move contradicts that report entirely.

According to TMZ, Kanye has filed documents with the Federal Election Commission declaring the Kanye 2020 campaign as the “Principal Campaign Committee” and West as the ficial candidate. The paperwork also confirms that Kanye is running under the Birthday Party, or BDY for short.

Despite a move in the right direction for Ye, he is yet to file a second form, which is more important to the process. The Statement Candidacy is still yet to be delivered, proving that he has raised or spent more than $5,000 in campaign activity, which would effectively trigger his candidacy status. 

Kanye West Files With FEC To Run For President In 2020: Report
Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty s

Until that second form is submitted, West’s run for President is still up in the air.