Jussie Smollett: Chicago Mayor Calls Dropped Charges A "Whitewash Of Justice"

Rahm Emanuel calls out Jussie Smollett and the prosecutors after the actor’s charges are dropped.

Chicago PD superintendent, Eddie Johnson, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel held their own press conference after news broke out that Jussie Smollett’s criminal case had been dropped. Although the actor’s maintained that he’s been telling the truth from the jump, both Johnson and Emanuel expressed their frustrations over the prosecutor’s decision.

“Do I think justice was served? No. What do I think justice is? I think this city is still owed an apology,” Chicago Police Eddie Johnson told reporters before suggesting that there was a deal made behind closed doors. “I’ve heard that they wanted their day in court with TV cameras so America could know the truth and know they tried to hide behind secrecy to broker a deal to circumvent the judicial system.”

Emanuel blatantly called out Smollett and the prosecutors on the case, insisting the Empire actor is guilty the crimes he was charged with. 

“Mr. Smollett is still saying that he is innocent,” Mayor Rahm Emanuel said. “Still running down the Chicago Police Department. How dare him? How dare him? This is not the superintendent’s word against his, the grand jury came to a conclusion, as did the state’s attorney’s fice.” 

Emanuel continued to say that Smollett used the laws the hate crime legislation to elevate his career.

“And he did this all in the name self-promotion. He used the laws the hate crime legislation that all us have put on the books — to stand up for the values that embody what we believe in. This is a whitewash justice,” Emanuel said. “The grand jury could not have been clearer.”