Joe Exotic’s Husband Reveals Which "Tiger King" Clip Would Upset Him

Joe Exotic is currently in prison and hasn’t been able to see the Netflix “Tiger King” docuseries about his life.

Joe Exotic is the eccentric star Netflix’s latest hit true-crime documentary series, “Tiger King.” People have been going absolutely crazy for this show and it is easy to see why. If you want to feel better about your own life and misfortunes, “Tiger King” is certainly must-watch television. 

Over the past few weeks, the stars the show have been interviewed for various outlets. In fact, an after-show is being planned for this Sunday. One the cast members that has been making themselves available to the media is none other than Joe’s husband, Dillon Passage. While speaking to Entertainment Tonight, Passage revealed which scene would upset Joe the most. Unsurprisingly, it is the footage the accidental suicide Joe’s deceased husband, Travis.

“I feel like some things shouldn’t have been shown in the docuseries, like Travis’ accident in the fice,” Passage said. “I feel like that was very personal to Joe and that it was used for an emotional purpose and to get people more drawn in to the show,” he added. “I don’t think that’s fair to Travis. He probably would not have wanted that put all over the world. … And I didn’t tell Joe] that it was in there. I feel like he’s definitely gonna be upset about it, so it’s best that he doesn’t know.” 

When Exotic finally sits down to watch the docuseries, he will certainly be met with tons surprises and it will be interesting to see how he feels about it all. The docuseries isn’t exactly flattering.
