Jamaican Man Spent 82 Days In Jail Because Authorities Thought Honey Was Meth


Even if you’re innocent, you can still end up in jail and the latter is something that happened to a Jamaican born man who calls Baltimore home. According to The Daily Mail, 45-year-old Leon Haughton was jailed for close to three months after he was headed home from Jamaica and airport authorities thought his three bottles honey was meth. 

The ordeal went down on December 29th when he landed back at Baltimore-Washington International Airport and airport dogs sniffed his bag to recover the honey. “I’m 100 percent sure I don’t have drugs. I only have honey,” he recalled telling the authorities. Leon said he fainted once he was detained and while in custody, he was questioned about a “big Jamaican gang and drug dealing conspiracy.”

Once Leon was in jail, the honey was sent to a lab in Maryland and took two weeks to be returned with a negative result. Authorities wanted a second opinion and sent the honey f to another lab in Georgia, returning with the same negative results. The charges were finally dropped and Leon was freed on March 21st after spending 82 days in jail.

“They messed up my life,” he said. “I want the world to know that the system is not right. If I didn’t have strong people around me, they would probably leave me in jail. You’re lost in the system.’

He added: “I’m scared to even travel right now. You’re innocent, and you can end up in jail.”