J. Cole Left Astonished After T-Minus Pulls Dazzling Card Trick

T-Minus makes magic in more ways than one.

J. Cole and T-Minus have proven themselves to be a formidable musical duo, with recent singles like “Middle Child” and “The London” serving as a testament to that. Yet their partnership runs deeper than mere music, a statement that dully applies to T-Minus’ list talents. A few days back, the Dreamville team shared a bonus clip from their Revenge documentary, not unlike the footage Cole’s hilarious reaction to “Lambo Truck.” Once again, Cole is at the epicenter, this time volunteering himself as the subject an elaborate T-Minus card trick. 

J. Cole Left Astonished After T-Minus Pulls Dazzling Card Trick

Bryan Steffy/Getty s

At first, Cole appears to have the air a skeptic, though it doesn’t take long for T-Minus to masterfully lure him in, hook-line-and-sinker. Upon successfully executing the trick, Cole finds himself utterly bamboozled, fleeing the room in an awestruck state. “Oh shit!” he cries, as he flees the studio. “OH THIS N***A’S FUCKIN’ THE TRUTH! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!” The realization seems to dawn on Cole, who continues. “Bro, he’s a real magician!” he praises. “He’s a real wizard! He set me up, and I fell for it!”

Check out the clip below, especially if you’re looking for some feel-good content on this Monday afternoon. Regardless how you feel about the Dreamville squadron, you have to admit, the camaraderie is something else. Who else would have reacted like Cole?