HBO Speaks On "Game Of Thrones" Now-Infamous Coffee Cup

HBO has spoken.

In a “Game Of Thrones” episode that brought death, heartbreak, destruction, sex, and several key plot developments, many found themselves captivated by a strange, anachronistic visitor: a cfee cup. The gaffe was quickly trending on Twitter, developing a life its own, to the point where Starbucks hopped onboard the viral hype. Given that the cup seemed to captivate the audience like yarn to a kitty, it didn’t take long before a few minds behind the series chimed in with their own statements.

Producer Bernadette Caulfield apologized WNYC radio, fering a bit good humor in the process. “We’re sorry! Westeros was the first place to actually, you know, have Starbucks,” she jokes. Art director Hauke Richter took a more hardline stance, explaining “Things can get forgotten on set. Cfeegate] was so blown out proportion because] it has not happened with Thrones so far.”

“The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea,” wrote HBO, in an ficial press release to Variety. Of course, the fact that an errant cfee cup has seemingly overshadowed several key plot developments seems to speak to the nature the social media masses, who once again display hivemind tendencies worthy an advanced alien race. One has to wonder – is this truly what we’ve become? In any case, it’s entirely possible that the powers that be edit the cup out in subsequent airings, and/or the eventual Blu-Ray release. Perhaps they’ll leave it in, as a stark reminder that even pressionals can err on occasion. 

What say you, to the cfee cup seen around the world?