Harvey Weinstein Loses Another Defense Attorney Ahead Of Sexual Assault Trial

Harvey Weinstein’s legal team continues to crumble.

Harvey Weinstein’s tried to craft a dream team attorneys to represent him in his rape and sexual assault trial. Three months before the trial begins and it looks like Weinstein’s dream team is crumbling in front his own eyes. Attorney Jose Baez told the judge on the case that Weinstein’s made it difficult to represent him, The New York Post reports. Baez also accused Weinstein ignoring their fee agreement

Harvey Weinstein Loses Another Defense Attorney Ahead Of Sexual Assault Trial
Spencer Platt/Getty s

This serves as Weinstein’s second attorney to step down from representing the producer. Ronald Sullivan, who co-counseled with Barz, said that the case was conflicting with his teaching schedule at Harvard. He said he faced backlash for his decision to represent Weinstein which recuse himself as a faculty dean at the school.

“When one the team members left the case due to the personal pressures that were placed on him, it removed a critical component to the team and legal strategy, which was not yet being filled,” a Weinstein spokesperson said in a statement. “Mr. Weinstein will shortly be welcoming a team that will fulfill each the essential components needed to properly serve his due process and his rigorous defense.”

Even though Baez is no longer representing Weinstein, he’s already bought Harvey a bit more time. In April, Baez successfully got Weinstein a postponement in the case. However, with Baez gone, Weinstein might need to buy himself more time for his defense team to prepare for trial.