Gayle King Shares Photos In "Celebration Of Cellulite Cottage Cheese Thighs"

That’s a quote.

Gayle King is out vacationing and living her best life, but in the midst sharing photos her sunny trip, she also decided to send a positive message. “Tradition continues! Photo shoot w/Fav niece @mknzschwb in Mexico,” Gayle wrote on Instagram. Then the anchorwoman said, “swipe left for celebration cellulite cottage cheese thighs…happy to report no photoshopping allowed!” The photoshoot included King and her niece taking photos in the same poses and looks like it made for some good quality time, not to mention some beautiful photographs.

Gayle King Shares Photos In "Celebration Of Cellulite Cottage Cheese Thighs"
Shannon Finney/Getty s

Ashley Graham whom Gayle recently visited on her podcast Pretty Big Deal commented on the photo, “You look gorgeous, Gayle!” Indeed she does. While on Graham’s podcast, King revealed that during college she posed nude for a boyfriend. Of the experience, King said, “I mean, you know, you stick your butt out, you stick your boobs out.”  Gayle continued, “He was a photographer, so I went with him to the darkroom to develop them, and then when they were done, I got all the negatives. I know that they will never see the light day.”

Gayle’s vacation photos celebrating her body sends a positive message to other women. It sends the message to embrace yourself with all your imperfections, “cellulite cottage cheese thighs” and all.