Fortnite Removes Police Cars From Game In New Update

The new Fortnite update has removed all police cars from the popular video game.

Fortnite players noticed a glaring change in the video game following an update made on June 17. Epic Games, the video game company responsible for developing Fortnite, has removed all police cars from the popular game. 

Players instantly associated the move with an act solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement amid police brutality protests that erupted all across the country following the murders Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. 

In a new report, a publisher for the game confirmed police cars had been purposely removed from the multiplayer game after the recent update in light the ongoing police brutality protests. The company maintains, however, that the decision is not a “political statement,” but rather the company wanting to be “sensitive about the issues” that players the game may currently be facing. 

The company had already delayed the launch the third season Chapter 2 the game due to the country’s current socio-political upheaval, issuing a statement reading: “The team is eager to move Fortnite forward, but we need to balance the Season 3 launch with time for the team to focus on themselves, their families, and their communities. Recent events are a heavy reminder ongoing injustices in society, from the denial basic human rights to the impact racism both overt and subtle against people color. We’re acutely aware the pain our friends, families, team members, players, and communities are experiencing.”

The battle royale video game recently held a Travis Scott concertbreaking the record for most live viewers at a time with his virtual ASTRONOMICAL performance back in April.