Fiona Apple Goes In On Louis C.K. In New Interview

Fiona Apple goes in on Louis C.K. in an interview promoting her new album, “Fetch the Bolt Cutters.”

Singer Fiona Apple railed about comedian Louis C.K. in a new interview with Vulture, saying she feels robbed by his lack a substantive apology.

Fiona Apple Goes In On Louis C.K. In New InterviewBrad Barket / Getty s

“I know he’s got such a great brain and he understands why he did that shit. I feel robbed that he’s not giving us what he thinks about that,” Apple said. “And the fact that he’s complaining about the money he lost, and that tired joke , ‘Hey, how’s everybody’s 2020? Did everybody have a great year?’ That was a bad joke when it was done the first time, but it’s not even a joke. The one thing I will say about that situation is that the women he harassed continue to be harassed by his little bros. By the little Louis bros. Fuck you, Louis bros. And fuck him for not even just acknowledging that. And for the record, he didn’t apologize.”

C.K. was one the first names ousted during the rise the #MeToo movement, being accused sexual misconduct by a number women.

Apple continued, broadening the topic: “I can’t tell you how many men have advised me not to apologize because ‘it makes you look weak.’ Louis] recently said something like, ‘Women are really good at seeming like they’re okay when they’re not okay.’ And that’s true, but don’t you fucking act like their discomfort and not-okay-ness wasn’t exactly what got you f. I am a very forgiving person. But I cannot forgive someone who cannot acknowledge what needs to be forgiven.”

This week, Apple released her first album, Fetch The Bolt Cutters, since her critically acclaimed 2012 album, The Idler Wheel. The new album is a powerful, honest, piece art that demands a listen in 2020. 
