DYLI “backseat, Pt. 2”

DYLI Unfolds Her Artistic Evolution Through “backseat, Pt. 2”

Fresh off her previous success, rising artist, DYLI, works her enchanting magic yet again,  enthralling her devoted fans with her latest release, “backseat, Pt. 2.”  This new single serves as a continuation of her 2020 song, “backseat.” While the first one delves into the complexities of turning friends into lovers and the uncertainties that come with it—questioning desires and contentment without it— part two takes on a whole new significance. It unravels the tale of a relationship that blossoms from the very friendship that was once in doubt.

DYLI finds the most intriguing aspect of these two songs in their order-dependent storytelling, crafting distinct narratives depending on how you listen to them. Their versatility, unplanned and born from separate writing sessions, adds to their allure. Each track holds a deep personal connection for her, reflecting her own experiences. DYLI‘s intention is to create music that resonates with listeners, allowing them to find their own stories within the melodies she weaves.

With singles like “Package & Deliver,” “New Bag,” “backseat, Pt. 2,” “Pretty Brown Hair,” and “LOE,” under her belt,  DYLI has been busy in the studio lately, working on fresh music. Reflecting on the past year, she acknowledges significant growth as an artist, which fuels her excitement for the upcoming releases. While she has found her current niche in the fusion of hip-pop and R&B, the singer remains adventurous and open to exploring diverse genres and styles in her ongoing artistic evolution.

Listen to “backseat, Pt. 2” below: