Drake's AirDrop Flirting Attempt With Restaurant "Dime" Deemed "Creepy," Rapper Faces Backlash

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

“Drake being famous doesn’t make this any less creepy,” one Twitter user said of the 35-year-old’s actions.

Drake‘s name is frequently tied up with plenty of famous women in the media. Most recently, the 35-year-old was reportedly spotted yacht-hopping with 21-year-old Suede Brooks, which has certainly raised some eyebrows, and now, he’s facing backlash for “creepily” flirting with a woman in a restaurant.

If you follow Champagne Papi’s Instagram account, you may have seen a photo uploaded to his Story of an older blonde woman, dressed glamorously while out for a bite to eat. “Tried to AirDrop this woman a pic of herself cause she’s a dime,” he wrote, adding a laughing and shrugging emoji.

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

While some might be flattered to be noticed by someone with as much star power as Drizzy, others were uncomfortable with his actions and didn’t hesitate to voice their thoughts on social media.

Drake really loves his mother and that’s all I’m gonna say about this,” one person wrote, pointing out the anonymous woman’s resemblance to Sandi Graham.

Sandi Graham and Drake attend the Songwriters Hall of Fame 42nd Annual Induction and Awards — Jemal Countess/Getty Images

Others pointed out, “If [this] wasn’t Drake and just some random dude making the post, y’all would be outraged at how creepy it is. (It’s creepy regardless),” and “I mean isn’t this… Invasion of privacy + creepy + abuse of fame?”

The main argument against Drizzy’s flirtatious antics seems to be that, by posting her to his millions of followers without her consent or knowledge, the “God’s Plan” rapper has allowed countless people to chime in on her appearance.

Check out Twitter’s reaction below, and let us know how you would react to being AirDropped a photo of yourself from a celebrity in the comments.
