Doctors Find Coronavirus In Unborn Child While In Womb

French doctors have found that unborn children can contract the coronavirus while in the womb.

Doctors in France have found what is believed to be the first confirmed case an unborn child contracting the coronavirus. A new study titled “Transplacental transmission SARS-CoV-2 infection,” says a 23-year-old woman gave birth to a boy who immediately tested positive for COVID-19.

Doctors Find Coronavirus In Unborn Child While In WombAndressa Anholete / Getty s

After being born by a cesarean section, the child was rush to the natal intensive care unit. There he was tested for the coronavirus.

The doctors found evidence inflammation caused by the coronavirus: “The placenta showed signs acute and chronic intervillous inflammation consistent with the severe systemic maternal inflammatory status triggered by SARS-CoV-2 infection,” the authors said.

They ruled out the chance that the baby caught the virus after birth by viral or bacterial means. This is the first case were doctors could confirm the child did not contract the virus immediately after being born.

The doctors in France wrote, “We have demonstrated that the transplacental transmission SARS-CoV-2 infection is possible during the last weeks pregnancy.

“Other cases potential perinatal transmission have recently been described, but presented several unaddressed issues,” the authors said.

The lead author the study, Daniele De Luca, says there is no need for pregnant mothers to worry: “Pregnancy is very controlled, and if you have something like this, it can be controlled. In most cases, there will be no damage to the baby.”

The boy was discharged 18 days later after fully recovering.
