DeMarcus Cousins Dominates Scrubs In Rec League Game: Watch

Cousins seems to be enjoying himself this fseason.

DeMarcus Cousins seemed like a man who couldn’t find a team this fseason, although things quickly turned around for him as he was able to sign a one-year contract with the Los Angeles Lakers. The Lakers are seen as a title contender right now and if Cousins can back to his old form, there is no denying how dangerous the purple and gold can be. Cousins will have a lot work to do in the fseason and before he heads to training camp, it appears as though he has been playing some rec league basketball which is both scary and hilarious.

In the clip above, you can see Cousins easily dominating a bunch scrubs who just wanted to have fun that day. Let’s be honest, if you’re playing in a rec league, you’re probably not the best ballplayer in the world. Imagine going to play some pick-up basketball with your friends and now, all a sudden, you have to guard Boogie Cousins. It might make for a great story to tell your friends but you probably won’t be so thrilled about it once he absolutely smokes you in the paint.

Either way, it’s good to see Cousins enjoying himself especially after the disappointment losing in the NBA Finals last season.