Chris Brown Shares Adorable Birthday Message From His Daughter

Chris Brown rang in his 30th birthday with the help his daughter.

There was a lot going on this weekend in terms wild birthday parties. It was reported that one woman was transported from Chris Brown’s party to the hospital for a possible drug overdose. At Desiigner‘s birthday party, several people were allegedly drugged at Jake Paul’s house. It was definitely not a good weekend to go partying in Los Angeles. On a more wholesome note, Chris’ family made sure to wish him a happy birthday to help him ring in another year and his daughter was at the forefront the operation.

Posting a video to his social pages, Chris Brown shared a clip that his daughter Royalty sent him and it’s one the most adorable things you’ll see today. RoRo looked into the camera before telling her father that she loves him and wishing him a happy birthday, blowing a kiss and fering her salutations. This is the type message that will bring a tear to your eye. As one commenter pointed out, there’s nothing like the love your children show you.

Royalty appears to always have a smile on her face, growing up with so much happiness and always showing her family so much love. She joined her dad on stage during his HBOAFM tour a few months ago, making her pop star debut during his dance routines. Watch the cute video below.