Bradley Beal Recounts Harrowing Experience With Police

Bradley Beal’s experience is one that many can relate to.

Police brutality is at the top everyone’s minds right now in light the deaths George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and more recently, Rayshard Brooks. It is very clear that there is an issue in this country and that we need to make some real changes, very fast. Protests continue to manifest across the nation and various athletes have inserted themselves into these ultra-important dialogues. The latest to do so is Bradley Beal the Washington Wizards.

Today, he fered a truly harrowing story the time he and his significant other were pulled over by a cop. The exchange was menacing, to say the least as the cop allegedly told Beal: “how would you like me fucking up your Monday by putting you in a headlock?”

This is certainly a disgusting story that displays a power-hungry police ficer abusing his power as someone who can use excessive force, by law. It’s also a story that has been echoed numerous times over the past few weeks and is yet another reason why police reform is necessary for the United States America.

Hopefully, some real and meaningful changes are made over the next few months. Legislation will be the true barometer whether or not these protests have been working.