Boosie Badazz Vows To Unleash An OnlyFans Account

Boosie Badazz has had a few wacky schemes in his day, but this might be his wildest one thus far — and that’s saying something.

When one considers the term “antics” in relation to the rap game, it’s likely that the recognizable mug Boosie Badazz will be among the first images conjured. Widely considered to be among the funniest personalities in hip-hop, provided one can take an occasionally controversial statement or two, the Baton Rouge legend has amassed enough loyal followers to merit the arrival his own reality TV show Badazz Boosie. In the midst some pandemic induced downtime, however, he’s been forced to think outside the box in order to make up for lost bags.

Boosie Badazz Vows To Unleash An OnlyFans Account

Thaddaeus McAdams/Wire/Getty s

As revealed to The Breakfast Club, one his most wild schemes involves the arrival his very own OnlyFans page. “I don’t follow nobody on there, I finna make me an OnlyFans,” he states, prompting laughter from Tha God. “Suki said she make twenty-two thousand f OnlyFans, I finna call Suki.” When Charlamagne asks what type content will be available on the page, Boosie replies with an ominous “whatever sell. You gotta do what you gotta do in this Corona shit.”

“I ain’t falling f,” he promises. “I got a flick from 09′, I’ll sell that shit with the quickness.” Charlamagne spins a hypothetical in which a rich patron fers Boosie ten grand for a picture his feet. “No, you know I’m not fuckin’ with that replies Boosie. “I don’t got nothing against that, but my Lives are Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.” His reluctance also stems from the slippery slope that might ensue from a seemingly innocuous foot picture. “Ya’ll gon’ turn that into a relationship,” he muses. “You know how they gon’ do it!” From the sound it, it appears that Boosie’s OnlyFans ambitions lived and died right then and there. 

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(Via @breakfastclubam)

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