Ben Shapiro Tells Zuby "Rap Is Not Music"

Ben Shapiro is far from a fan rap.

During a lengthy discussion with rapper, Zuby, political commentator, Ben Shapiro, decided to voice his stunted opinion on rap music as a whole. Not surprisingly, Shaprio isn’t a fan. The discussion took place Today, on Shapiro’s show, The Ben Shapiro Show.

“In my view, and in the view my music theorist father who went to music school, there are three elements to music. There is harmony, there is melody and there is rhythm,” Shapiro said. “Rap only fulfills one these, the rhythm section. There’s not a lot melody and there’s not a lot harmony. And thus, effectively, it is basically spoken rhythm. It’s not actually a form music. It’s a form rhythmic speaking. Thus, beyond the objectivity me just not enjoying rap all that much, what I’ve said before is that rap is not music.”

Shapiro didn’t stop there. His out–touch opinions continued to flow with him adding, “From the outside, when I listen to hip-hop, I don’t hear a bunch family-oriented messages. In fact, I hear a lot messages that are degrading to women, I hear messages that push violence, that are disparaging to the police. I hear messages that treat relationships between men and women as something disposable and glorify mistreatment women…The art form overall, which not only has an impact on not just Black young people, but is disproportionately listened to by White young people. I don’t particularly like a lot the messages I hear.” 

Check out the full interview below.