B2K’s Raz B Joins The Cast Of "Love & Hip Hop Hollywood"

Raz B inked the deal last month.

We recently reported on B2K member Raz B getting arrested on a domestic abuse charge. The latter occurred amidst the B2K reunion tour, The Millennium Tour, which kicked f earlier this year and is set to end this month. While Raz B was confirmed to be on the tour for its entirety, his recent legal trouble may have jeopardized his stay. Moreover, the 33-year old performer issued a statement regarding his arrest, claiming full responsibility for his actions and tying it to prior traumatic experiences. Since then, Raz B was able to dodge the case on the count self-defense. 

The latest update on Raz B indicates he will be joining the cast Love & Hip Hop Hollywood, which is set to return soon for a new season. According to TMZ, a camera crew has been following Raz B around, capturing his every move as he shuffles through the remainder the Millennium Tour and evades future trouble. Considering the Love & Hip Hop franchise heavily relies on drama-filled storylines to keep viewers glued to the screen, we can be certain to expect more from Raz B in that sense.

The B2K member is reported to have inked his deal last month. Will you be tuning in?