Antonio Brown Shows Off Insane Speed In Latest Workout Watch

AB is making a great case for himself.

Antonio Brown hasn’t been able to give us the highlights were used to seeing from him, this year. The Pro Bowl wide receiver has been battling a bevy allegations and hasn’t been able to play any NFL football in the interim. To pass the time, Brown has spent his time training which usually leads to some scintillating Instagram content. Based on his talent alone, it’s clear as day that he’ll be able to come back into the league sooner than later although it must be anxiety-inducing to have your fate in the hands the NFL.

Brown took to Instagram last night with a video his most recent training session and it looks like he hasn’t missed a single beat. As you can see, he runs a straight line with some blistering speed before catching a pass with ease. If you’re an NFL scout, coach, or GM watching this clip, you have to be salivating.

AB will only be able to sign to a team once the NFL wraps up their investigation into the allegations against him. It is believed the investigation should be done within the next few weeks so stay tuned as we will be sure to bring you all the latest information.

What team would you like to see Brown play for?