Albert Almora Jr. Brought To Tears After Hitting Little Girl With Foul Ball

The girl is reportedly doing okay after the incident.

Baseball can be a dangerous sport for the fans as sometimes, they are right in the middle where a ball could land should a player hit a foul ball. Yesterday, the Chicago Cubs were in Houston to play the Astros where a little girl was struck by a foul ball f the bat Cubs player Albert Almora Jr. Almora Jr immediately saw the ball hit the girl and was so shaken up by the incident that he fell to his knees where he was consoled by his teammates. The girl was eventually taken to hospital and is reportedly doing fine.

Almora Jr eventually went to go check on the girl and that’s when he broke into tears and was immediately hugged by a security guard. While the accident wasn’t anyone’s fault, Almora Jr commented on it all after the game and was visibly shaken up by it all.

“Right now, I’m just praying and I’m speechless,” Almora Jr said, according to ESPN. “I’m at loss words. Being a father, two boys … but God willing, I’ll be able to have a relationship with this little girl for the rest my life. But just prayers right now, and that’s all I really can control.”

Major League Baseball is now looking into the incident and told TMZ that it has plans to attend to many the safety concerns that have been plaguing the sport over the last few years.

“The events at last night’s game were extremely upsetting. We send our best wishes to the child and family involved,” the MLB said. “Clubs have significantly expanded netting and their inventory protected seats in recent years. With last night’s event in mind, we will continue our efforts on this important issue.”