A "Training Day" Prequel Is On The Way: Report

Calling all “Training Day” fans.

New reports by UPROXX confirm additional details on the possible arrival a Training Day sequel. This information comes almost 18 years after Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke delivered a dazzling performance which many consider as a marker to Washington’s ascension as a legendary actor. The Antoine Fuqua-directed film won an Academy Award shortly after its release and since, fans have been wanting more. Although 2017 brought forth a television series based on the popular flick, the show only lasted one season. Now, three years later, current reports confirm that Hollywood big names have been in talks to execute on a Training Day prequel’s arrival to the big screen. 

Talented screenwriter Nick Yarborough was reportedly hired by Warner Bros. to write the Training Day prequel. So far, emerged details reveal that the aforementioned movie will explore the life Denzel Washington’s character, Alonzo Harris, approximately ten years before the Training Day story took place. This sets the prequel around the early 1990s right before the 1992 Los Angeles riots which were fueled by the police brutality case  Rodney King. The original story given by the Collider cites no additional details surrounding the prequel project. Though, we now have something to look forward to with regards to the continuation the Training Day story.
