Jayda Cheaves and Lil Baby’s sons get the rapper some shiny new rings for his birthday.
Lil Baby is celebrating his birthday today, turning 26-years-old and doing so in a very stylish way.
The rapper is known to rock some tremendous drip, rocking some of the most exotic designer garments and flexing in expensive jewelry every single day. One of the voices behind “Drip Too Hard”, Baby needs to stay fresh to death, and he has his family and partners helping him with that.
As he celebrates his twenty-sixth year of life, Lil Baby opened up some new gifts from his sons, which came via his girlfriend Jayda Cheaves. The Atlanta native posted a video from his pre-birthday gathering with friends and family, showing off his new drip from Jason and Loyal: a ring that spells out “WHAM”.
“My Personals Call Me ‘Wham’ So @loyalarmani @1_jasonarmani Got Me A Gift With The Help Of @thejaydacheaves Thank Yall,” wrote Baby as his caption for the video.
Loyal and Jason (and Jayda) weren’t the only ones to go all out for Baby’s birthday. 42 Dugg, one of the rapper’s signees to 4PF and a close friend to the star, also got some new jewelry for his “We Paid” collaborator to stunt with.
Getting him the two-tone Audemars Piguet in rose gold, 42 Dugg was on FaceTime as Lil Baby excitedly opened his present, promising to strike him back when the party died down. Real friends.
The gifts came right in time because, this morning, Lil Baby announced his actual private birthday bash for tonight, which is being dubbed the “Ice Ball”. There’s no dress code but attendees are being encouraged to wear their best jewels. You know Baby is going to be draped from head to toe in diamonds.
Happy birthday, Lil Baby!