6ix9ine Calls Meek Mill "Wanna Be MLK" And Praises Kanye West

Tekashi 6ix9ine won’t let some feuds go, especially when it comes to Meek Mill.

With all the social unrest going on in the United States right now, some hip-hop’s most prominent voices are speaking out. For instance, Kanye West joined protesters in Chicago while Meek Mill wrote a brand new song called “Otherside America.” Both these particular artists are trying to do right by their communities and while they may be going about it in different ways, there is no denying that they are both equally impactful.

Well, Tekashi 6ix9ine doesn’t seem to see it that way as today, he took aim at Meek Mill and his new song. On his Instagram story, 6ix9ine praised Kanye for being in the streets while disparaging Meek for dropping a track. 6ix9ine even went as so far as to call Meek a “Wanna Be MLK” which is definitely out line.

Considering Tekashi’s history, it doesn’t seem fair at all for him to make such a statement. Not to mention, Meek has been working extremely hard to instill justice reform and make a difference for all those who have been taken advantage by the system. Meanwhile, Tekashi has done nothing except disparage every single artist that pops up in his head.

If you’re Meek, all you can do is shake your head and move on.