50 Cent Comments On The Infamous Florida Spring Breakers

50 Cent fers sage advice to anyone looking to party during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Though 50 Cent has built his reputation for excellence through his storied musical catalog, strong business savvy, and a growing television empire, some his most memorable moments late have been the Instagram antics. For better or worse, Fif has spent the majority his time online trolling, a ruthless foe for anybody who dares find themselves at his mercy. Yet just like the rest us, the rapper has been forced to self-isolate during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, forced to scour the depths his creativity for a way to pass the time.

Speaking with the Wall Street Journal, 50 Cent opened up his day to day life under self-quarantine, a far cry from what the multi-hyphenate mogul is used to. “You know what they say, keep your social distance, ” advises Fif, currently on day-five quarantine. “Being conscious that. But a lot people are not making adjustments, so they’re just going to sit home and they’re going to get fat. They’ll get fat.” 

50 Cent Comments On The Infamous Florida Spring Breakers

Speaking on those failing to make adjustments, the conversation turns to the infamous Floridian Spring Breakers. Alas, they were not practicing social distancing — so much so that five the college students found themselves testing positive for COVID-19. Where it might have been tempting for Fty to roast those determined to party by hell or high water, instead his response reflected the world’s somber tone.

“People don’t hear alarms, they only see fires. A lot them on South Beach and stuff like that, when they go out they’re only thinking about, “It’s spring break. It’s my time to have fun,” instead considering what’s really going on right now,” he reflects, fering them a piece advice. “Go home so you can have another spring break at some point! Do you want this to be your last spring break?! What the f—ck, bro? It’s not safe, I don’t understand. But some people in New York City? These people will not stop. When they said it doesn’t sleep, it doesn’t sleep. Really, they’re not going to stop. They’re going to be outside. Go in the house and chill out, man!”
