2Pac’s Alleged Killer "Reaffirmed" By Retired LAPD Detective On His 48th Birthday

Happy 48th!

First f, Happy Birthday Tupac Shakur. The monolithic rapper would have been 48 years old today (June 16, 2019). Despite all the looney bin theories to have surfaced since his passing in 1996, the incident details are still bandied about to this day. Retired LAPD detective reaffirmed his stance that Orlando “Baby” Anderson was the main culprit behind the drive-by-killing.

2Pac's Alleged Killer "Reaffirmed" By Retired LAPD Detective On His 48th Birthday

Steve Eichner/Getty s

Anderson has long been associated with Pac’s killing, despite several members the rapper’s entourage refuting those claims. One the individuals fering an opposing viewpoint to Kading’s hypothesis is none other than Napoleon the Outlawz. His belief is that, although his comrade Kadafi, also the Outlawz, saw the killer in plain sight, yet couldn’t ID within a limited time frame – the problem being, Kadafi was accidentally shot to death within two months Pac’s death.

Incidentally, Kading’s appearance on Today Australia didn’t break any new ground whatsoever. “Anderson was the guy that Tupac had a fight with earlier that evening and he came back and retaliated with his crew,” the retired detective reiterated as he’d done countless times in the past. For additional context, Kading led the initial investigation into 2Pac‘s death, as well as the inquiry Biggie’s killing the following year. The interview segment can be viewed within Today Australia’s media stream, right here.