21 Savage Provides Oral Sex Advice To Women On Instagram

21 Savage has a simple message for the ladies.

If you manage to find yourself in a committed relationship with 21 Savage one day, you now know exactly what he wants in the bedroom. Informing all his social media followers just how he enjoys getting pleasured by his partner, the superstar rapper based in Atlanta got a little extra in his caption. We’re used to the artist being direct in his lyrics but, this year, he’s been quiet online after all his immigration drama from earlier. He appears to be opening up now, turning back to his savage ways and letting all the ladies know what he messes with.

21 Savage Provides Oral Sex Advice To Women On Instagram
Charley Gallay/Getty s

If you’re backstage with Savage and he asks to take you back to his hotel, you better be following his one rule if you ever want a call back from the multi-platinum star. “Don’t be suckin on the tip dat shit hurt girl,” wrote the “Bank Account” savant on Instagram. The picture seemingly has no traditionally sexy elements to it. The Saint Laurent Don is simply throwing up signs in a colorful room. There are no women around him and the caption is really just a little out place.

At least now we all know. To be honest though, I could have done without this information.